Dr. Bob gives practical and insightful advice that will develop your skills and the edge to become really ready for college.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What you do (or don’t do) today and every day determines your future

Never seem to have time to really get ready for that next test or big assignment? If you answer “yes,” take this little quiz.

How many hours each day do you spend on these entertainments? 

Be honest. It’s important information for you.
  • television
  • cell phone
  • face book
  • music
  • iPod
  • computer games
  • sports
  • socializing with friends

How many hours do you spend each day on these tasks?
  • studying & homework
  • part-time job
  • extra-curricular activities
  • volunteering
  • other responsibilities

Your assessment
Now rank the items according to their totals from most to least time spent.This assessment is your entertainment and work profile. It’s important. It defines your life in terms of interest, activities, jobs, and goals. You are what you do, and what you accomplish.

Why it’s important
Does time slip through your fingers despite your good intentions? Don’t let daily and weekly activities control you. You want to be in control. That means you must get organized, set your priorities, get things done, and control your time.

Friday, September 16, 2011

More tips about studying

Study takes an independent, self-directed effort — creating different methods to approach and learn different subjects. What kinds of extra work?
  • Studying is coming prepared for every class. You are up to date in your reading, and you have even read ahead. You have done all your practice exercises (even when they’re not required), and you’ve gone over them.
  • Studying is reading and working ahead in all your courses. Reading ahead gives you an edge and prevents confusion. When the teacher introduces a new theory or concept, you already know something about it. And if you didn’t understand it when you read ahead, you can ask the teacher questions. If you did understand the material, then the teacher is reviewing and clarifying for you while only introducing the material to the other students. Reading can give you great starts in learning new things. And it will help you contribute better to class discussions.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Starting a New Semester Right

Because you're in a new semester, it’s time to do some reviewing and reevaluating. How well did you do last semester? Were your grades what you expected? Are you looking forward to this semester?

Think about the football or basketball team that goes into the locker room during half time. What goes on there? Well, the coach tells the team what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong so that the team can become better during the second half of the game. So let’s go into the locker room.